Conservation | Across The Board

It is a false premise or presumption that the basic principle of conservation is exclusive to any one of the different types of environments in which we function on a daily basis.

The effectiveness or lack thereof of how this universal principle is applied in one environment impacts all others.

Financial Conservation/Solar Energy is just one example.

Imagine, Financial Conservation/U.S. Government or Financial Conservation/Wall Street?

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Thursday, November 15, 2012

City of Palo Alto Goes Private For Solar

Stanford University

Palo Alto’s Utilities Advisory Commission and Finance Committee announced their unanimous approval of a 25-year contract with Brannon Solar LLC on Nov. 5. This is the city’s first solar energy contract, and the company will provide up to 52,000-megawatt-hours, 5% of the city’s electricity needs, per year for no more than $91 million for the duration of the contract.

“Palo Alto is moving to a carbon-free energy growth plan, which would be completely carbon neutral [by 2015],” Palo Alto Vice Mayor Greg Scharff said.
The efforts to provide 33 percent of Palo Alto’s energy from renewable sources by 2015 are part of a larger effort to make Palo Alto a greener city.
“We’re in the process of another RFP [Request for Proposals] for renewable energy contracts,” Cook said. “We also have ongoing energy efficiency projects, so we don’t need as much energy in the first place.”
“We have to invest as the fields go into place,” Shepherd said. “As the Utilities Commission makes these relationships, these companies…would rather work with the city of Palo Alto than places like [Pacific Gas and Electric]. They offer it to us because they know that we build up a reserve in order to go in and make these types of investments to secure our renewable energy supply, to maintain our portfolio.”
The Brannon Solar project that will provide Palo Alto’s energy is based in Fresno County. In addition to building facilities in Palo Alto, Brannon Solar’s parent company, Trina Solar, is building a total of four other solar projects in Fresno County and Sacramento County.

The Stanford Daily

Solar Instructor Training Network

"Launched in 2009, the U.S. Department of Energy established the Solar Instructor Training Network (SITN), composed of nine Regional Training Providers (RTPs) to help fulfill a critical need for high-quality, local, and accessible training in solar system design, installation, sales, and inspection through train-the-trainer programs.  The nine RTPs are well-established solar training institutions that offer expert trainers and first-class training facilities across the U.S."

Parks Powered by Clean Energy

“St. Petersburg will use a $2.4 million federal grant to install solar panels at 18 of the city's parks and recreational sites, officials said Tuesday.

The project, called Sunlit City Parks, will not only save the city energy costs but also serve as an education program about solar energy.

With the city of St. Petersburg recognized in the Guinness book of world records for having the most consecutive days of sunlight, it seemed fitting that we participate in this pilot program," said Mayor Bill Foster. The program "is another example of how St. Petersburg continues to demonstrate leadership in environmentally sustainable best practices and long-term reduction in operational costs."

Tampa Bay Online

Solarize Massachusetts

Thank to this year's Solarize Massachusetts program, which ended on November 4, more than 800 businesses and residents in 17 municipalities across the state elected to go forward with a solar energy installation, according to the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (MassCEC). In total, the program, which offered more financial incentives when more property owners signed up, was responsible for the installation of more than 5 megawatts of new PV capacity.”

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

U.S. Army Goes Solar

Fort Bliss

"Balfour Beatty Communities, LLC and SolarCity® have announced plans to provide up to 4,700 military homes with solar energy systems at Balfour Beatty-managed residential communities on Fort Bliss, Texas, and the adjacent White Sands Missile Range (WSMR) in New Mexico. The 13.2 megawatt project is an equipment lease arrangement, primarily financed by Bank of America Merrill Lynch, which directly supportsthe U.S. Army’s vision for ‘Net Zero’ energy consumption at all installations."

"The Defense Department is currently the largest energy consumer in the United States and has designated Fort Bliss a “Net Zero Installation”, meaning the Army expects the installation to produce as much energy as it uses while sending no waste to landfills and maximizing water reuse. Balfour Beatty Communities is the Army’s only military housing partner on Net Zero Installations at both Fort Bliss and Fort Carson (CO) and, with family housing responsible for close to 20% of a typical installation’s energy, waste and water footprint, it is important the company provides proactive support. The projects will also help the military meet Department of Defense goals to have 25 percent of its energy requirements met by renewable energy by 2025."

Energy Digital

Island of Tokelau To Become World’s First Solar-Powered Nation

"Living in America, it can feel like it’s nearly impossible to wean ourselves off fossil fuels, but even our car-obsessed society doesn’t have it as bad as island-dwellers. The island nations of the South Pacific are among some of the most petroleum-dependent countries in the world. That’s because islands don’t have massive oil reserves or coal deposits. In order to generate electricity, South Pacific nations must import huge amounts of fuel to power diesel generators.

Now, one island nation has said enough is enough. The South Pacific nation of Tokelau is aiming to ditch its diesel dependency and transform itself into the world’s first solar-powered country.   Using 4,032 solar panels and 1,344 batteries, the island nation will generate 150% of its own current electricity demand."

A New Breed of Solar Utility Challenges the Old Guard

"Georgia Solar Utilities wants to build a large solar farm within the state and has petitioned the Georgia Public  Service Commission to sell the electricity directly to customers rather than to Georgia Power or other providers within Georgia.
Georgia Power has challenged Georgia Solar’s request. It argues allowing the Macon-based company to operate as a utility would violate Georgia Power’s standing as a regulated monopoly and would 'create barriers to future solar development.'"

2013 Motor Trend Car of the Year: Powered by the Sun

Monday, November 12, 2012

Solar Power - How Many Moving Parts?

Farmers Grow Profits With a New Crop: Solar Panels

"Solar panels cover a 35-acre field that once produced corn, tobacco and other crops. When the sun shines, the panels generate enough electricity for hundreds of homes."

Read more here:

"North Carolina’s renewable and energy-efficiency industry employs more than 15,000 people and has generated some $3.7 billion in gross revenue this year, the association says. Companies providing solar energy services have increased 76 percent since the renewable energy requirement passed the General Assembly five years ago, according to surveys by the Sustainable Energy Association."

“It is guaranteed money,” said Hunt, 63, a Marine Corps veteran. “Farming is a risky business. If you can take some of the risk out and the liability, you are ahead of the ball game. If I die, my wife will have income because she couldn’t farm the land anymore.”

Read more here:

New Observer

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Solar Mamas

“A girl is not supposed to continue school past age 10 because it is shameful. Is it not shameful that the youth of these girls is wasted without work? Without an education or purpose in life?”

Explore India’s Barefoot College, providing impoverished women with skills to change their communities.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Major League Baseball Goes Solar

Kauffman Stadium - Home of the Kansas City Royals
"Spring means one thing to the American sports fan — the start of a new Major League Baseball (MLB) season. For the environmentally conscious sports fan, however, it means the debut of new sustainability initiatives at ballparks across the country as the MLB continues its efforts to go green."

Clean Technica

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Solar Numbers in San Diego

"Solar provides a futures contract for electric power at a fixed price for 30 years."

FC Note: Hedging their fuel costs with futures contracts has been a very effective strategy for Southwest Airlines, now a leader in their industry.

With no price at the source and by eliminating all the steps in between, directly accessing the sun's unlimited amount of energy takes the hedging concept to a whole new level as the costs of producing, refining and transporting energy from fossil resources continues to climb.

We cannot produce our own gasoline, but we can take control of a major part of our energy costs by producing our own electricity, courtesy of the sun.

Solar energy along with its obvious environmental benefits equals Financial Conservation thus economic empowerment -- particularly for the individual.

Smart. Direct. Simple.

For a breakdown of the numbers specific to the area, visit one of San Diego's local solar providers @ Home Energy Systems

Solar Highway in Germany

Solar Energy Industry Growth 50% in First 9 Months of 2012

"According to the Federal Network Agency, the solar energy industry in Germany grew by more than 50% in the first 9 months of 2012. Energy production from solar installations rose from 4.1% or 6.1% during this time. Germany now acquires more than 26% of its energy from renewable sources, including solar, wind, biomass, and hydrogen fuel. The country is currently on track to throw more support behind solar energy and thereby increase the rate of growth the solar energy industry has been experiencing in recent months."

The Fuel of Tomorrow Reported Today!

Renewable Energy: The Top 5 Nations

"Solar, wind, tidal and geothermal energy made up only 1.3 percent of total global energy use in 2011, but that's up 15.5 percent from the previous year. This is increasing due to policy and private investment, as well as commitments to reduce environmental impact and dependence on foreign energy sources. Here are the top five countries which are making use of renewable energy."

The Christian Science Monitor